Sunday, 15 May 2011


 Right, I saw Limitless the other day. Why?


This was a fucking shit movie. Why the hell did I watch this movie? NOTHING FUCKING HAPPENS!

The movie starts off with some douche bitching about his life and makes it look like he is going to kill himself. He also fires off some bollocks about how he was so close to changing the world.

It then skips then back to some boring point in time where the douche is shit at writing (even worse than I am) so he takes some drug he's never heard of from some other douche (let's call him douche2). Douche1 suddenly becomes good at writing because of this drug and he uses the drug to further enhance his life. This is pretty much the next fucking hour of the movie.

I mean, other things happen in this time like...okay, I'm speaking bullshit. Nothing else happens.

Once it gets back to the bit where he's about to kill himself, he just decides not to and then kills a bunch of other douches and gets away with it. Oh, did I mention that he drinks the blood of one of the guys he killed so he can take the drug that was in his blood stream? Yeah. What a fucking crock of shit.

Then, instead of changing the world, he becomes a rich investment banker. That's it. That is the end of the movie.

So, what does this film tell you? Taking drugs and killing people have no consequences and will get you far in life.

Score: Fuckingshitpisscunt/10


     I didn't pay for this movie
     It wasn't bad enough that I wanted to kill myself
     I had my phone so I could play Robot Unicorn Attack every now and again
     It wasn't longer than I expected it to be
     It ended
     I had to watch it
     It was fucking shit
     It began

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